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NBMG Search

  1. Keyword Search Hints
  2. Spatial Search Hints
  3. New Publications (NBMG blog)
  4. Spatial/Keyword Search from USGS
    See "Publisher" at bottom to limit to NBMG.
    Go to "Map Catalog" and select "Nevada"
    for location and "USGS/AASG" for publisher.
    Click on "MapView" for spatial searches.
  5. Searchable Bibliography (only through 2005)

Ordering Information

  1. Publications List
    Printable PDF, includes out-of-print items—link coming soon
  2. Ordering Instructions
    Includes order form, shipping chart
  3. Discounts: General Public - Retailers

NBMG Collections

  1. Mining District File Collection
  2. Aerial Photograph Collection--please call for appointment
  3. Oil and Gas Well Information for Nevada
  4. Robert C. Speed Geologic Map Collection
    We can print these maps full size and in color.
    Call (775) 682-8766 to order.
  5. Geologic Specimen and Geochemical Database
    Visit our warehouse at GBSSRL. Call for appointment.
  6. NBMG Rock Garden at GBSSRL

State of Nevada

  1. W.M. Keck Website
  2. DeLaMare Library
  3. UNR Library
  4. Nevada Division of Minerals
  5. Nevada Division of Water Resources
  6. Nevada Mine Safety and Training


    1. Geographic Names Database
    2. Mineral Commodity Summaries
    3. Mineral Resources Data System
    4. National Geologic Map Database
    5. National Atlas of the United States
    6. Publications Warehouse
    7. USGS Store - Map Locator and Downloader

    U.S. Government

    1. BLM Land Records Search
    2. BLM Nevada
    3. BLM LR2000
    4. MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration)
    5. MSHA (Education and Training)
    6. MSHA (Mine Data Retrieval System)

    Geological Societies—Local Meetings

    American Institute of Professional Geologists
    Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists, Great Basin Chapter
    Geological Society of Nevada
    Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society

    NBMG Calendar—check for talks, monthly meeting dates, and more here.

    More Resources/Links