Title: Assessment of the potential for carbon dioxide sequestration with enhanced oil recovery in Nevada
Author: Daphne D. LaPointe, Jonathan G. Price, and Ronald H. Hess
Year: 2007
Series: Open-File Report 2007-07
Format: 6.9 MB, 24 pages
The following file is included in the GIS zip folder: of077. This zip compressed file contains the data used to produce the Assessment of the Potential for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration with Enhanced Oil Recovery in Nevada, NBMG Open-File Report 07-7. In addition to the digital database used to produce this report, this zip compressed file also contains a copy of the complete report in PDF file format, a base map of Nevada in tiff format, and the Nevada Oil and Gas Well Database from the Petroleum Data Map of Nevada, NBMG Map 162 (Garside and Hess, 2007). The two database files are in shapefile format. All digital coverages are in UTM, zone 11, meters, NAD 27 projection.
This information should be considered preliminary. It has not been edited or checked for completeness or accuracy.
This report follows the preliminary assessment of the potential for carbon dioxide sequestration in geological settings in Nevada (Price and others, 2005) by compiling data on the 15 oil fields that have had historical production. Critical factors in assessing the potential for enhanced oil recovery as a means of carbon dioxide sequestration in Nevada include depth, temperature, and cumulative production. Most Nevada oil reservoirs are considerably hotter than ideal conditions for maintaining a dense CO2 phase underground. Furthermore, none of the Nevada oil fields is large enough to accommodate all the CO2 from a large coal-fired power plant. The cumulative volume of oil and associated water production from all Nevada oil fields is about two orders of magnitude less than what would be needed to sequester a significant amount of CO2 from a power plant. Therefore, there is not much potential in Nevada for CO2 sequestration through enhanced oil recovery.
Original Product Code: OF077z
