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101 American fossil sites you've gotta see 101 American geo-sites you've gotta see
320 desert watering places in southeastern California and southwestern Nevada 50 Classic hikes in Nevada
50 of the best strolls, walks, and hikes around Carson City 50 best strolls around Reno
A beautiful mine A correlated history of Earth [WALL POSTER]
A beautiful mine
Price: $12.95
A correlated history of matter [WALL POSTER] A correlated history of the UNIVERSE
A dinosaur lives in Red Rock Canyon A geologic and natural history tour through Nevada and Arizona along U.S. Highway 93, with GPS coordinates
Mine of her own A table for the identification of Nevada's common minerals, with notes on their occurrence and use
A visitors guide to the University of Nevada, Reno Arboretum Antimony deposits of Nevada
Arizona rocks Aurora: Nevada's ghost city of the dawn
Arizona rocks!
Price: $18.00
Before the gold Bold women in Nevada history
Botany in a day: The patterns method of plant identification CA north gold and gems maps
California rocks Carlin trend exploration history: Discovery of the Carlin deposit
California rocks!
Price: $16.00
Child of the rocks, the story of Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park Cruisin the fossil coastline
Cruisin the fossil freeway map Devils will reign How Nevada began
Dry washing for gold Early engineering works contributory to the Comstock
Earthquakes in Nevada and how to survive them (seventh edition) BROCHURE--SEE EDUCATIONAL SERIES 27 FOR SPANISH VERSION Explorations in Nevada and Arizona, explorations and surveys south of the Central Pacific RR
Fee mining and rockhounding adventures in the West Finding gold in the desert: The art of drywashing
Fluorspar in Nevada Fossils (DK Smithsonian Handbooks)
Fluorspar in Nevada
Price: $10.00
Gem trails of northern CA Geologic and natural history tours in the Reno area: Expanded edition
Long Valley-Mono Craters Geologic tours in the Las Vegas area: Expanded edition with GPS coordinates
Geological treasures Red Rock Geology of the Great Basin
Geology of the Lassen country: The geologic story of Lassen Volcanic National Park & vicinity Geology underfoot in Death Valley and Eastern California
Geology underfoot in northern Arizona Geology underfoot in southern Idaho
Geology underfoot in southern Utah Geology underfoot W WA
Geology underfoot Yosemite Glacial Lake Missoula and its humongous floods
Gold fever: The art of panning and sluicing Gold from water (and other mining scams)
Gold in them hills Gold prospectors handbook
Guide to highway 395: Los Angeles-Reno Guidebook to the geology of four Tertiary volcanic centers in central Nevada, 1974. Road log to Austin-Northumberland caldera-Carver Station
Guidebook to the Quaternary geology along the western flank of the Truckee Meadows, Washoe County, Nevada Guidebook: Las Vegas to Death Valley and return
History of mining in Nevada, a learning unit for use with Project Mine: Nevada history video,  (Instructor's manual) How to find gold
How to find gold
Price: $9.95
Hunter's guide to GPS Ichthyosaurs POSTCARD
Idaho rocks Invertebrate and paleobotanical fossils collected in Elko County, Nevada
Idaho rocks!
Price: $20.00
Life in the old west: life of a miner Light Blue Geologic Map of Nevada short-sleeved shirt
Living with earthquakes in Nevada (third edition) Map of the Peavine copper mines, Washoe County, Nevada
Map of the White Pine Mining District (includes map of the White Pine Range) Mineral and water resources of Nevada
Minerals of Nevada HARDCOVER Mines and Mills of the Comstock Region, Western Nevada
Mines of Churchill and Mineral counties Mines of Cherry Creek and other eastern Nevada districts
Mines of Goldfield, Bullfrog, and other southern Nevada districts Mines of Lander and Eureka counties
Mines of Tuscarora, Cortez and other northern Nevada districts Mines of the Silver Peak Range, Kawich Range and other southwestern Nevada ranges
Mines of Battle Mountain, Reese River, Austin and other Nevada districts Mining claim procedures for Nevada prospectors and miners (sixth edition, revised December 2019) PHOTOCOPY
Mining districts and mineral resources of Nevada Mining history and place names of the Comstock area, a field trip guidebook, September 19, 1987
Modern prospecting National Audubon Society field guide to North American rocks and minerals
Nevada adventure map Nevada and Great Basin areas desktop map
Nevada and Great Basin areas desktop map: Teacher's guide Nevada geology calendar 2025
Nevada ghost towns and desert atlas Nevada ghost towns and desert atlas: Volume 1 - north
Nevada ghost towns and desert atlas: Volume 2 - southern Nevada - Death Valley NV gold and gems maps
Nevada Heartland Ansari Nevada mining and you: A resource guide, with sections on historical mining camps, modern exploration and mining methods, and an overview of some mineral-producing areas in the state (second edition) PHOTOCOPY
Nevada mining history: A documentary approach Nevada mining history: A documentary approach
Nevada place names Nevada's metal and mineral production (1859-1940, inclusive)
Nevada place names
Price: $24.95
Nevada's weather and climate Nevadans: The spirit of the Silver State
Off-white Geologic Map of Nevada short-sleeved shirt Old heart of Nevada: Ghost towns and mining camps of Elko County
Ordovician and Devonian trace fossils from Nevada Outline of Nevada mining history
Overview of Lithium deposits in Nevada Peterson first guide to rocks and minerals
Pioneer Mng. Dist., Nye County, Nevada Place names of Douglas County, Nevada
Place names of Lyon county, Nevada Placer gold deposits of Nevada
Placer mining in Nevada Planning scenario for a major earthquake in western Nevada
Preserving the glory days: Ghost towns and mining camps of Nye county, Nevada Radon in Nevada--A natural hazard
Recreational gold prospecting for fun and profit Reducing radon in Nevada homes (brochure)
Roadside geology of Idaho Roadside geology of Montana
Roadside geology of Nevada Roadside geology of Oregon (second edition)
Roadside geology of Utah (second edition) Roadside history of Nevada
Rockhounding Nevada Rocks and minerals (DK Smithsonian Handbooks)
Rocks and minerals cards Rocks from space--meteorites and meteorite hunters (second edition)
Rocks, gemstones, minerals, and fossils in Nevada Rocks minerals coloring book
Romancing Nevada's past: Ghost towns and historic sites of Eureka, Lander, and White Pine Counties Sarah Winnemucca
Sarah Winnemucca
Price: $19.95
Simon & Schuster's guide to rocks and minerals Some Nevada rocks and minerals: Box containing 18 specimens of Nevada rocks and minerals
The 1997 New Year's floods in western Nevada BOOK AND PLATE The 1997 New Year's floods in western Nevada PLATE ONLY
The amazing world of dinosaurs: playing cards The best of northwest Arizona and the Grand Canyon
The comstock papers The gold rush letters
The historical markers of Nevada The history of fifty years of mining at Tonopah, 1900-1950
The history of the Comstock Lode The magic school bus: Inside the Earth
The mines and mills of Silver City, Nevada PHOTOCOPY The mines and mills of Silver City, Nevada SOFTGOOD
The rockhound and prospector's bible The rockhound's handbook
The story of Rawhide, Mineral County, Nevada: A little about its people, its mines, its quest for water, and its promoters, who all together made it Nevada's last great mining boom The story of the Kennedy mining district, Pershing County, Nevada: The people, mining, and economy
Tonopah: Silver camp of Nevada Topographic map of the range of mountains containing the Comstock Lode and mining claims and works located thereon
Touring CA and NV hot springs Traveling America's loneliest road: A geologic and natural history tour through Nevada along U.S. Highway 50, with GPS coordinates
Treasure Hill--Portrait of a silver mining camp Truckee Meadows remembered
Turquoise deposits of Nevada Washington rocks!
Washington rocks!
Price: $18.00
Weather and climate of the Reno-Carson City-Lake Tahoe region Western Arizona ghost towns
What's so mysterious about meteorites? Where do mountains come from, momma?
White Geologic Map of Nevada short sleeved shirt White V-Neck Geologic Map of Nevada short-sleeved shirt
Yellow Geologic Map of Nevada short sleeved shirt