" |
E051 |
"Life's a beach": In search of ancient shorelines and volcanoes in the Grimes Point and Lahontan Mountains area; Guide for the Earth Science Week field trip, October 15 or 16, 2011 |
E052 |
"Tuff all over": Exploring faulted volcanic terrain in the Painted Hills, Virginia Mountains, west of Pyramid Lake (Guide for the Earth Science Week field trip, October 20 or 21, 2012) |
MP10 |
101 American fossil sites you've gotta see |
GG23 |
101 American geo-sites you've gotta see |
E058 |
1915 Pleasant Valley earthquake centennial field trip guidebook: A public field trip to visit the largest earthquake in Nevada's history |
OF2019-02 |
2018 Working Group on Nevada Seismic Hazards: Summary and recommendations of the workshop, February 5-6, 2018 |
NP20 |
320 desert watering places in southeastern California and southwestern Nevada |
NP28 |
50 Classic hikes in Nevada |
SP030 |
50 millionth ounce of gold! [POSTER] |
UNP03 |
50 of the best strolls, walks, and hikes around Carson City |
UNP02 |
50 of the best strolls, walks, and hikes around Reno |
GG35 |
A beautiful mine |
B008 |
A bulletin on the mineral dumortierite [PHOTOCOPY] |
B048 |
A contribution to the published information on the geology and ore deposits of Goldfield, Nevada [TEXT AND PLATE] |
PT1 |
A correlated history of Earth [WALL POSTER] |
PT2 |
A correlated history of matter [WALL POSTER] |
PT3 |
A correlated history of the UNIVERSE |
TB1 |
A dinosaur lives in Red Rock Canyon |
M178 |
A geodetic strain rate model for the Pacific--North American plate boundary, western United States |
SP035 |
A geologic and natural history tour through Nevada and Arizona along U.S. Highway 93, with GPS coordinates |
E061 |
A land in transition! Ancient river courses, young volcanoes, recent earthquakes, and modern debris flows in the Carson Valley |
NP37 |
A mine of her own: Women prospectors in the American West, 1850-1950 |
OF1984-01 |
A mineral inventory of the Caliente Resource Area, Caliente District, Lincoln County, Nevada |
OF1983-01 |
A mineral inventory of the Egan District Resource Area, Ely District, Nevada |
OF1983-09 |
A mineral inventory of the Elko Resource Area, Elko District, Nevada |
OF1983-11 |
A mineral inventory of the Esmeralda-Stateline Resource Area, Las Vegas District, Nevada |
OF1992-01 |
A mineral inventory of the Nevada portion of the Cedarville Resource Area, Susanville Bureau of Management District, Nevada |
OF1984-02 |
A mineral inventory of the Nevada Test Site, and portions of Nellis Bombing and Gunnery Range, southern Nye County, Nevada |
OF1985-03 |
A mineral inventory of the Paradise-Denio -- and Sonoma-Gerlach Resource Areas, Winnemucca District, Nevada |
OF1983-03 |
A mineral inventory of the Shoshone-Eureka Resource Area, Battle Mountain District, Nevada |
OF1986-14 |
A mineral inventory of the Tonopah Resource Area, Battle Mountain District, Nevada |
OF1988-01 |
A new platinum-group-element discovery at Crescent Peak, Clark County, Nevada |
OF1980-05 |
A preliminary first stage study of Nevada coal resources |
OF1997-03 |
A ranking scheme developed to assess the relative potential of abandoned mine sites in Nevada to result in surface water and groundwater degradation |
E059 |
A river runs through it--geology along the Truckee River valley from Reno to Pyramid Lake |
RI8908 |
A strong acid-weak acid method for producing aluminum chloride hexahydrate from kaolinitic clay |
B007 |
A table for the identification of Nevada's common minerals, with notes on their occurrence and use [POSTER AND TEXT] |
UNP01 |
A visitors guide to the University of Nevada, Reno Arboretum |
AASG Annual Meeting 2022 - Registration Payment |
E017 |
Abandoned mine mini-unit (Instructors manual for 4th grade) |
E017a |
Abandoned mine mini-unit (Instructors manual for 7th grade) |
0 |
abc |
13252 |
Aberdeen (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
00002 |
Ackerman Canyon, NV 15-minute topographic map |
02457 |
Ackerman Canyon, NV 7.5-minute (24k ) topo |
13473 |
Ackerson Mtn (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
00003 |
Acoma, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
OF2004-12 |
Active metal and industrial mineral mines in Nevada - 2003 [Superseded by Open-file report 05-12] |
OF2004-12c |
Active metal and industrial mineral mines in Nevada - 2003 [Superseded by Open-file report 05-12C] |
OF2005-12 |
Active metal and industrial mineral mines in Nevada - 2004 [Superseded by Open-file report 06-18] |
OF2005-12c |
Active metal and industrial mineral mines in Nevada - 2004 [Superseded by Open-file report 06-18] |
OF2006-18 |
Active metal and industrial mineral mines in Nevada - 2005 [Superseded by Map 170 and Open-file report 10-5] |
OF2002-02 |
Active metal and industrial mineral mines in Nevada [B/W MAP, Superseded by Open-file report 2003-30] |
OF2002-02c |
Active metal and industrial mineral mines in Nevada, 2001 [COLOR MAP, Superseded by Open-file report 2003-30C] |
OF2003-30c |
Active metal and industrial mineral mines in Nevada, 2002 [COLOR MAP, Superseded by Open-file report 2004-12C] |
OF2003-30 |
Active metal and industrial mineral mines in Nevada, 2002 [Superseded by Open-file report 2004-12] |
OF1999-16 |
Active metal and industrial mines in Nevada--1999 [Superseded] |
M055 |
Active mines and oil fields in Nevada, 1976 [OUT OF PRINT] |
M072 |
Active mines and oil fields in Nevada, 1980 [OUT OF PRINT] |
M084 |
Active mines and oil fields in Nevada--1983 [OUT OF PRINT] |
OF1998-09 |
Active mines in Nevada, 1998 [B/W MAP, Superseded by Open-file report 99-16] |
OF1998-09c |
Active mines in Nevada, 1998 [COLOR MAP, Superseded by Open-file report 99-16] |
01817 |
Adam Peak, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01673 |
Adaven, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
52343 |
Adel, OR 100K (30 x 60 minute) topo |
01477 |
Adelaide, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
RI9590 |
Adhesion of diamond films on tungsten |
13474 |
Adin (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
13475 |
Adin Pass (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
00004 |
Adobe Summit, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
GP0982 |
Aerial gamma-ray contour maps of regional surface concentrations of potassium, uranium, and thorium in Nevada |
GP0694 |
Aeromagnetic and generalized geologic map of the Austin area, Lander County, Nevada |
GP0926 |
Aeromagnetic and generalized geologic map of the Paradise Range area, Nevada |
GP0744 |
Aeromagnetic and generalized geologic map of the San Antonio Mountains, Nevada |
GP1015 |
Aeromagnetic and gravity anomaly maps of the southwestern Nevada volcanic field, Nevada and California |
GP1003-B |
Aeromagnetic and related maps of the getchell gold trend, Osgood Mountains, north-central Nevada |
M062 |
Aeromagnetic map index of Nevada |
MF0902 |
Aeromagnetic map of Nevada |
M089 |
Aeromagnetic map of Nevada, Caliente sheet [MAP AND COMPILATION SHEET] |
GP0922 |
Aeromagnetic map of Nevada: color coded intensities |
M095 |
Aeromagnetic map of Nevada: Las Vegas sheet |
M054 |
Aeromagnetic map of Nevada: Reno sheet |
M096 |
Aeromagnetic map of Nevada: Tonopah sheet |
M048 |
Aeromagnetic map of Nevada: Vya sheet |
M090 |
Aeromagnetic map of Nevada: Walker Lake sheet |
M092 |
Aeromagnetic map of Nevada: Winnemucca sheet |
GP0517 |
Aeromagnetic map of parts of the Cactus Peak and Stinking Spring quadrangles, Nye County, Nevada |
GP0753 |
Aeromagnetic map of parts of the Goldfield, Mariposa, and Death Valley 1 x 2 degree quadrangles, Nevada-California |
GP0752 |
Aeromagnetic map of parts of the Tonopah and Millet 1 x 2 degree quadrangles, Nevada |
GP0751 |
Aeromagnetic map of parts of the Walker Lake, Reno, Chico, and Sacramento 1 x 2 degree quadrangles, Nevada-California |
GP0514 |
Aeromagnetic map of the Belted Peak quadrangle and part of White Blotch Springs quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada |
GP0519 |
Aeromagnetic map of the Black Mountain quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada |
OF1971-01 |
Aeromagnetic map of the Dixie Valley area, west-central Nevada |
GP0757 |
Aeromagnetic map of the Gold Butte-Chloride area, Arizona and Nevada |
GP0637 |
Aeromagnetic map of the Hot Creek Range region, south-central Nevada |
GP0518 |
Aeromagnetic map of the Mellan quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada |
MF1244c |
Aeromagnetic map of the Mt. Moriah Roadless Area, White Pine County, Nevada |
MF1877C |
Aeromagnetic map of the Tonopah 1 degree by 2 degrees quadrangle, central Nevada |
MF2023 |
Aeromagnetic maps of the Colorado River region including the Kingman, Needles, Salton Sea, and El Centro 1 degree by 2 degree quadrangles, California, Arizona, and Nevada |
IC9034 |
Agglomeration and heap leaching of finely ground precious metal bearing tailings |
IC8945 |
Agglomeration heap leaching operation in the precious metals industry |
OF1994-03 |
Aggregate resource study of southern Washoe County, Nevada |
OF2000-03 |
Aggregate resource study, western portion of the Carson City BLM District, Nevada, with addendum, economic potential |
13476 |
Ahwahnee (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
10017 |
Airport Lake (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
14033 |
Al Shinn Canyon (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
13391 |
Alameda Well (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
00006 |
Alamo NE, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
00007 |
Alamo SE, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
00005 |
Alamo, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01818 |
Alcatraz Island, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01819 |
Alder Creek Ranch, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
00009 |
Alkali Lake, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01820 |
Alkali Peak, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
00008 |
Alkali, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
10028 |
Alleghany, CA 7.5-minute topo |
00010 |
Allen Springs, NV 15-minute topographic map |
01821 |
Allen Springs, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
10032 |
Almanor, CA 7.5-minute topo |
00011 |
Alpha Mountain, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
10036 |
Alta Sierra, CA 7.5-minute topo |
FSN16 |
Alta-Toquima Wilderness (Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forests) |
13477 |
Alturas (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
13102 |
Alturas, CA 100K (30 x 60 minute) topo |
13102b |
Alturas, CA 100k topo, BLM surface management status [BLM EDITION] |
14040 |
Alturas, CA 250K (1 x 2 degree) topo |
RI9264 |
Alumina recovery from copper dump leaching liquors using a supported liquid membrane |
RI8694 |
Aluminum extraction from anorthosite by leaching with hydrochloric acid and fluoride |
50027 |
Alvord Lake, OR 100K (30 x 60 minute) topo |
10046 |
Amador City, CA 7.5-minute topo |
00012 |
Amargosa Flat, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01558 |
Amargosa Valley, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
34115 |
Amboy, CA 100k (30 x 60 minute) topo map |
13480 |
Ambrose (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
13481 |
Ambrose Valley (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
10050 |
American House, CA 7.5-minute topo |
RI8188 |
Amine extraction of iron from aluminum chloride leach liquors |
00013 |
Ammonia Tanks, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
OF1996-02 |
An analysis of Nevada's metal-bearing mineral resources |
OF1996-02t |
An analysis of Nevada's metal-bearing mineral resources [TEXT ONLY, PLATES NOT INCLUDED] |
R004 |
An inventory of barite occurrences in Nevada [OUT OF PRINT] |
R001 |
An inventory of fluorspar occurrences in Nevada [OUT OF PRINT] |
R002 |
An inventory of molybdenum occurrences in Nevada [OUT OF PRINT] |
B035 |
An investigation as to the presence of commercial quantities of mercury and gold in the dry lakes of Nevada [PHOTOCOPY] |
OF2014-03 |
An updated mineral and energy resource assessment of the Desert National Wildlife Range, Clark and Lincoln counties, Nevada [PHOTOCOPY] |
OF2015-10 |
Analytical data accompanying "The Golden Devil Zone, a New Discovery in the Goldbanks District, Nevada" in Geological Society of Nevada Symposium Proceedings May 18-21, 2015 [CD-ROM] |
OF2015-03 |
Analytical data to accompany Eocene Igneous Geology and Relation to Mineralization: Railroad District, Southern Carlin Trend, Nevada Geological Society of Nevada 2015 Symposium Volume |
01822 |
Anchorite Hills, NV-CA 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
E028 |
Ancient lakes and volcanoes near Fallon: Field trip for families and rockhounds |
01823 |
Anderson Gardens, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
13482 |
Anderson Mtn (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
00014 |
Andorno Ranch, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01521 |
Angel Peak, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
10056 |
Angels Camp, CA 7.5-minute topo |
01824 |
Annie Creek, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
OF1988-04 |
Anomalous platinum associated with hydrothermal manganese mineralization at the Gibellini Mine, Fish Creek Range, Nevada |
10059 |
Antelope Lake, CA 7.5-minute topo |
01826 |
Antelope Mountain, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
13029 |
Antelope Mtn (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
00015 |
Antelope Peak, NV 15-minute topographic map |
01827 |
Antelope Peak, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
00016 |
Antelope Spring, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
10062 |
Antelope Valley, CA 7.5-minute topo |
B061 |
Antimony deposits of Nevada |
M002 |
Antimony occurrences in Nevada [Superseded by Bulletin 61] |
00017 |
Antler Peak, NV 15-minute topographic map |
01580 |
Antler Peak, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01828 |
Apache Tear Canyon, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01682 |
Apex, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
OF1987-03 |
Appendix C (statistical data), mineral resource inventory, U.S. Navy Master Land Withdrawal Area, Churchill County, Nevada |
RI8816 |
Application of inorganic ion exchangers to metallurgy |
RI8276 |
Aqueous electrolysis of lead chloride |
01829 |
Arabia, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
FSN11 |
Arc Dome Wilderness (Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forests) |
00018 |
Arc Dome, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01830 |
Arch Canyon, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
OF2006-12-14 |
Areas that may have potential mineral, oil, gas, and/or geothermal resources, and/or are within 3 miles of a mining claim (Plate 14 from Open-File Report 06-12: Potential resources associated with proposed roadless areas in Nevada, second edition) |
01762 |
Argenta, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
MP13 |
Arizona rocks! |
01522 |
Arizona Spring, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01709 |
Arrow Canyon NW, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01683 |
Arrow Canyon SE, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
01678 |
Arrow Canyon SW, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
00019 |
Arrow Canyon, NV 15-minute topographic map |
01662 |
Arrow Canyon, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
Arsenic |
Arsenic in Nevada groundwater |
01831 |
Artesia Lake, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
13483 |
Ascension Mtn (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
13419 |
Ash Creek Butte (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
00020 |
Ash Meadows, NV 15-minute topographic map |
00021 |
Ash Springs, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
13484 |
Ash Valley (PV), CA 7.5-minute topo |
01832 |
Ashton, NV 7.5-minute (24k) topo |
OF1999-13 |
Assessment of metallic and mined energy resources in the Yucca Mountain conceptual controlled area, Nye County, Nevada |
OF2007-01 |
Assessment of risks and vulnerability to earthquake hazards in Nevada [ONLINE ONLY] |
OF2007-02 |
Assessment of risks and vulnerability to flood hazards in Nevada [Superseded by Open-file report 2018-01] |
R052z |
Assessment of the potential for carbon dioxide sequestration by reactions with rocks in Nevada [COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS] |
R052d |
Assessment of the potential for carbon dioxide sequestration by reactions with rocks in Nevada [SUPERSEDED BY R052Z] |
R052 |
Assessment of the potential for carbon dioxide sequestration by reactions with rocks in Nevada [TAPE-BOUND REPORT] |