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Nevada active mines and energy producers [COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS]
Nevada active mines and energy producers COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS

Product Code: M170Z

Title: Nevada active mines and energy producers

Author: Ronald H. Hess and David A. Davis
Year: 2010
Series: Map 170z
Version: superseded by Open-File Report OF2014-01z
Format: 105 MB; data compilation at scale 1:1,000,000; 26.5 x 29.5 inches, color (original version was reduced-size printed on glossy paper); 31 x 34.5 inches, color (full-size print-on-demand version)
Scale: 1:1,000,000 (full size)

The following files are included in this GIS zip folder: Data and UTM_NAD_27_GIS_FILES. This zip compressed file contains the data sets used to compile the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) 1:1,000,000 scale map of active mines and energy producers in Nevada. This zip file contains the full map in PDF file format, shape files containing the locations of the producers, base data layers in shape file format, and a base map in tiff geo/tfw format. These digital datasets are in UTM, zone 11, meters, NAD 83 projection.

This map shows 154 active mines and energy producers in Nevada: metal mines, industrial mineral mines, gemstone mines, geothermal areas, and oil fields. Site locations and information on this map were obtained from a variety of published and non-published sources with the last updates made in January 2010. All sites shown on this map have had some form of production activity during the 2008--2010 time period. The original version of this map was printed at reduced size on glossy paper. On April 6, 2012, these maps from the original print run were gone, and we began to sell the full-size print-on-demand maps (scale 1:1,000,000).

Original Product Code: M170z
Original Product Code:

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