Title: Petroleum data map of Nevada
Author: Larry J. Garside and Ronald H. Hess Year: 2007 Series: Map 162z Version: Format: 115 MB; 23 x 35 inches, color Scale: 1:1,000,000
The following files are included in the GIS zip folder: Map_162_Data_Sets, and Original_Data_Sets. This zip compressed file contains the data used to produce the Petroleum Data Map of Nevada, NBMG Map 162. In addition to the data sets used to produce map 162 this file also contains a copy of the completed map in PDF file format, a base map of Nevada in tiff format, and some of the original data sets that were used to develop Map 162. These digital datasets are in shapefile format. All digital coverages are in UTM, zone 11, meters, NAD 27 projection.
A full description of how the data sets were used to produce this map is given in the collar and legend information contained on the PDF of Map 162 located in this file. This information should be considered preliminary. It has not been edited or checked for completeness or accuracy.
Free interactive version: Map 162 and OF 11-2 Interactive Oil and Gas Potential Map for the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology https://gisweb.unr.edu/flexviewers/Map_162_and_OF1...
Original Product Code: M162z
