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Reno folio: Energy and mineral resources map
Reno folio: Energy and mineral resources map
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Title: Reno folio: Energy and mineral resources map

Author: E.C. Bingler, H.F. Bonham, Jr., and K.V. Luza
Year: 1973
Series: Urban Map 4Ah
Format: 21 x 29 inches, full color map
Scale: 1:24,000

Map of the Reno 7.5-minute quadrangle showing eight categories of potential sand and gravel sources, symbols for three levels of sand and gravel production, three categories of decomposed granite sources, three categories of rock products sources, geothermal areas, hot water isotherm, area containing inactive mines and numerous metal prospects, known occurrences of polymetallic mineralization, known silver prospects, known copper prospects, and a placer gold mine. Other maps in the NBMG Urban Map series for the Reno Quadrangle include Tinted relief (4Aa), Slope (4Ab), Land use (4Ac), Soils (4Ad), Vegetation (4Ae), Hydrology (4Af), Geology (4Ag), Earthquake hazards (4Ai), and Physical properties (4Aj). See figure 3 for other quadrangles in the Urban Map series.

Original Product Code: 4Ah