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Fire and ice--geology of the Mount Rose quadrangle, Lake Tahoe, and the Carson Range (Guide for the Earth Science Week Field Trip, October 17 and 18, 2015)
Fire and ice--geology of the Mount Rose quadrangle, Lake Tahoe, and the Carson Range (Guide for the Earth Science Week Field Trip, October 17 and 18, 2015)
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Product Code: E057

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Title: Fire and ice—geology of the Mount Rose quadrangle, Lake Tahoe, and the Carson Range (Guide for the Earth Science Week Field Trip, October 17 and 18, 2015)

Nicholas H. Hinz and Alan R. Ramelli
Year: 2015
Series: Educational Series 57
Format: 20 pages, color

National Earth Science Week (ESW) 2015 encourages people everywhere to explore the natural world and learn about the geosciences. The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) welcomes you to participate in its eighteenth annual Earth Science Week field trip. If you cannot attend the official field trip, you can still follow the free road log and plan your own adventure.

Exploring this year's theme, "Visualizing Earth Systems," NBMG geologists Nick Hinz and Alan Ramelli explain how they created a detailed geologic map of the Mount Rose area and why it is important to map as much of the state as possible at this scale. The information can be used to protect the community from geohazards such as earthquakes, landslides, and floods—as well as provide information about mineral or renewable energy resources.

The geologic history of the Mount Rose area spans nearly 200 million years and includes multiple episodes of volcanism, faulting, and erosion by rivers, glaciers, and landslides. This guidebook contains a summary of the geology of the Mount Rose area starting with the oldest rocks and events and continuing through to the most recent geologic activity.

“‘Visualizing Earth Systems’ can help us see and understand the many ways scientists monitor and represent information about Earth systems including land, water, air, and living things. Using technologies ranging from on-site data collection to satellite-based remote sensing, scientists investigate conditions of Earth systems.” (from http://www.earthsciweek.org/)

The authors credit Tahoe Basin LiDAR, 2011, www.opentopography.org for LiDAR images used in their research and in this guidebook.

Original Product Code: E57

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