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Fossils and ancient lakes
Fossils and ancient lakes


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Price: $2.40

Product Code: E040

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Title: Fossils and ancient lakes

Author: D.D. LaPointe
Year: 2001
Series No.: Educational Series 40
Format: 4 pages, brochure

A field trip for families and rockhounds (Earth Science Week 2001 Field Trip No. 2) Updated information for stop 1 on page 2 as of April 4, 2014: STOP 1: Eagle-Picher Minerals, Inc. diatomite mine. Here we will collect fossils of stickleback fish preserved in layers of diatomite, a soft, chalky deposit composed entirely of the fossilized remains of tiny algae that inhabited a lake here about 6 to 9 million years ago. You must get permission from the owner--EP Minerals, LLC--(775-824-7600), to visit this mine. Stay away from the high walls.

Original Product Code: E40