Title: Index to geothermal well files housed at NBMG
Author: D. A. Davis and R. H. Hess
Year: 2009
Series: List 5
Version: supersedes 2001 edition, updates Appendix 2 of Bulletin 91; updated by online data (see related links below).
Format: 16 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches
This database is a list of all the geothermal wells in the files at the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG). These files contain all the geothermal well information available at the Nevada Division of Minerals since they took over permitting such wells in 1985. NBMG files of wells drilled prior to that may be incomplete, and additional informational may be found at the Nevada Division of Water Resources, which permitted geothermal wells prior to 1985.
List, by county, of industrial-class geothermal wells drilled since 1979
and all other geothermal wells drilled since November 1985; includes
permit number, operator, well name, class, depth, location, maximum
temperature, and completion date. Updates Appendix 2 of NBMG B91.
NBMG Open Data: Geothermal Data: https://data-nbmg.opendata.arcgis.com/pages/geothe... NBMG: Geothermal Energy: http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/Geothermal/index.html
Original Product Code: L5
