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PETCAL: A BASIC language computer program for petrologic calculations [FOR UPDATED VERSION, SEE OPEN-FILE REPORT 88-3]
PETCAL: A BASIC language computer program for petrologic calculations FOR UPDATED VERSION, SEE OPEN-FILE REPORT 88-3

Price: $3.00

Product Code: R028

Title: PETCAL: A BASIC language computer program for petrologic calculations

Author: Edward C. Bingler, Dennis T. Trexler, Wayne R. Kemp, and Harold F. Bonham, Jr
Year: 1976
Series: Report 28
Version: For updated version, see Open-File Report 88-3.
Format: 27 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches, 2 b/w drawings, 5 appendices

An easy-to-use computer program designated PETCAL (PETrologic CALculations) that computes a number of chemical and normative ratios and indices from a standard oxide rock or mineral chemical analysis and computes the CIPW norm; appendices give sample outputs, flow charts, and program printouts; references. Also available on disk. An updated version may be found in Open-File Report 88-3.

Original Product Code: R28