Title: Nevada oil and gas well database map
Author: Ronald H. Hess
Year: 2001
Series: Open-File Report 2001-07
Format: CD-ROM and 4-page text
Scale: 1:1,000,000
The OF01-7 CD includes the following:1. NVOILWEL Nevada oil and gas well catalog (List 12), updated to Nov. 2001 2. Nevada oil and gas well database map (Open-File Report 96-6), updated to Nov. 2001, also available on the Web 3. List of oil and gas wells drilled in Nevada since 1907, updated to Nov. 2001, also available on the Web 4. Oil and gas developments in Nevada (Bulletin 104 text) - color plate not included 5. Several digital base layers of Nevada data in Shapefile and ArcInfo export file format, for scale 1:1,000,000 (county, towns, roads, USGS topo boundaries for 1:100,000 and 1:24,000 scale, Township and Range) 6. Georeferenced raster graphic of the Nevada state base map, scale 1:1,000,000, black and white 7. 18 USGS digital raster graphic maps (DRG), 1:250,000-scale, topo maps in tiffw format.
Original Product Code: OF017
