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Open-File Reports

The Open-File Report series was added in 1979 to provide easy access to selected unpublished maps and reports. The information in these publications should be considered preliminary and has not been edited or checked for completeness or accuracy. The maps have not undergone office or field review.

Many of the STATEMAP 1:24,000-scale geologic maps are released as Open-File Reports in the preliminary versions and later become part of the "Map" series when peer review is completed.

The "Mineral Inventory" reports are included in the Open-File Report series. These reports are also indexed in the "Core and Cuttings" spreadsheet—accessible through the GBCGE Subsurface Database Explorer.

Mineral Inventory Open-File Reports
Index map
List of reports

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Nevada active mines and energy producers

Price: $24.00
Reconnaissance geologic and geomorphic evaluation of the 2023 landslide along the southern flank of Peavine Mountain, Reno, Nevada

Price: $4.00
Geologic map of the Calavera Canyon quadrangle, Humboldt County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $28.00
Geologic map of Rhyolite Ridge and the northern Silver Peak Range, Esmeralda County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $30.00
Geologic map of the Caliente NW quadrangle, Lincoln County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $27.00
Geologic map of the Chokecherry Mountain quadrangle, Lincoln County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $29.00
Geologic map of the Sixmile Canyon quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $23.00
Geologic map of the southern part of the White Cloud Point quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $22.00
Geologic map of the Sacramento Pass quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $24.00
Geologic map of the Hogum quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $23.00
Geologic map of the South Bastian Spring quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $23.00
Geologic map of the Nevada part of the Boulder Canyon quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $25.00
Geologic map of the Bullwhacker Springs quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $23.00
Nevada active mines and energy producers [Superseded by OF 2025-01]

Nevada active mines and energy producers [Superseded by OF 2025-01]

Lidar mapping and field observations along the Mount Callaghan faults, central Nevada

Price: $3.00
Geologic map of the Como quadrangle, Lyon County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $24.00
Geologic map of the southern half of the McCullough Mountain quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $25.00
Geologic map of the Nevada part of the Desert quadrangle and adjacent part of the McCullough Mountain quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $25.00
Geologic map of the eastern flank of the northern Cortez Mountains, Eureka County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $20.00
Geologic map of the southern Fish Creek Range, Eureka and Nye counties, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $23.00
Geologic map of the southern Diamond Mountains, Eureka and White Pine counties, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $30.00
Geologic map of the McClure Spring syncline, central Pancake Range, Nye County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $22.00
Geologic map of the Parran quadrangle, Churchill County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $24.00
Geologic map of the south half of the Boulder Canyon quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada [SUPERSEDED BY OPEN-FILE REPORT 2023-03]

Superseded by Open-File Report 2023-03
Geologic map of the Tent Mountain quadrangle, Elko County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $22.00
Geologic map of the Sloan NE quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]

Price: $20.00
Nevada active mines and energy producers [COMPLETE DIGITAL PRODUCT WITH GIS, SUPERSEDED BY OF2023-01]

Superseded by Open-File Report 2023-03
Nevada active mines and energy producers [REDUCED SIZE, GLOSSY, SUPERSEDED BY OF2023-01A]

superseded by Open-File Report 2023-01
Nevada active mines and energy producers [SUPERSEDED BY OPEN-FILE REPORT 2023-01]

superseded by OF2023-01
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