Title: Quaternary faults in Nevada
Author: Craig M. dePolo
Year: 2008
Series: Map 167
Format: 39 x 43 inches, color
Scale: 1:1,000,000
A 1:1,000,000-scale map of Quaternary faults in Nevada featuring age of last rupture and movement type, explanatory text, photos, graphics, and one table.
Free download for interactive version: https://gisweb.unr.edu/QuaternaryFaults/
More information on earthquake preparedness NBMG Open Data - Geohazards NBMG Geohazards Page—Earthquakes Nevada Seismological Laboratory Great Nevada Shakeout
Errata Date: February 25, 2009 Subject: M167 error correction Please note: Correction labels are available for NBMG Map 167 (Quaternary Faults in Nevada). The error was on Table 1 (the 1903 entry under “Max. Offset), and a page is available that will show you where to put the correction labels. Corrected entry: >0.03/>0.01 Incorrect entry on maps purchased or downloaded soon after release: >.03/>0.1
M167 dox
