Title: Quaternary faults in Nevada—Online interactive map
Author: Craig M. dePolo, Gary L. Johnson,
Jonathan G. Price, and Jennifer M. Mauldin Year: 2009
Series: Open-File Report 2009-09
Version: superseded by https://gisweb.unr.edu/QuaternaryFaults/ Format: 4 pages with informational links (104 KB)
This online version allows users to locate faults on various base maps, including topographic maps and aerial photographs.
Nevada resides in a tectonically active setting where earthquakes and faults cause the landscape to constantly evolve. Environments in the area range from high alpine settings over 11,000 feet, to low sandy deserts at less than 3000 feet. Nevada has 314 named mountain ranges—the most in the country. It is also third in seismic activity, and first in growth rate by area (adding a few acres every decade).
This application features a 1:1,000,000-scale map of Quaternary faults in Nevada showing age of last rupture and movement type. The data was prepared in support from the U. S. Geological Survey and the Nevada Earthquake Safety Council, and was compiled by Craig M. dePolo in 2008.
Open-File Report 2009-09 has been superseded by this interactive page on the NBMG website: https://gisweb.unr.edu/QuaternaryFaults/
The paper map is available here: http://pubs.nbmg.unr.edu/Quaternary-faults-in-Neva...
Original Product Code: OF099
