Title: County digital geological maps of Nevada
Author: Ronald H. Hess and Gary L. Johnson
Year: 1997
Series: Open-File Report 1997-01z
Version: Year 2000 release
Format: 137 MB, DIGITAL DOWNLOAD (see note below about file formats) Scale: 1:250,000
This file contains digital geological maps of every county in Nevada in ARC/INFO export format and DXF file format. These maps were digitized from the 1:250,000-scale plates in the NBMG county geological bulletins. Each dataset contains a polygon coverage of geology and an arc coverage of faults.
The purpose of this project was to create quality statewide county digital geologic maps from existing 1:250,000-scale maps in county geologic and mineral resource bulletins published by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG).
Please note: Symbol files are not included in this package. Also, users will need to migrate these files to the newer format in order to use them in ArcGIS Pro: Related item: See also Geologic Map of Nevada (USGS Data Series 249): Downloads Directory (free download) https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/2007/249/
1) bedrock geologic coverage from 1:250,000-scale county geologic maps
2) fault coverage from 1:250,000-scale county geologic maps
This information should be considered preliminary. It has not been edited or checked for completeness or accuracy. All coverages and location information are in UTM zone 11 coordinates. This data set contains the following directories and files:
COUNTY DIRECTORY LISTING EXPORTS <DIR> ARC_MAPS <DIR> DOCUMENT <DIR> DXF_MAPS <DIR> DXF_BASE <DIR> ARC_BASE <DIR> README.TXT File Listing EXPORT DIRECTORY, COUNTY MAPS AND 1:1,000,000 SCALE BASE DATA IN ARC/INFO EXPORT FILE FORMAT. ALL MAP COVERAGES AND FILE ARE IN UTM ZONE 11 PROJECTION. CHU_F.E00 Churchill County Faults CHU_G.E00 Churchill County Geology CLA_F.E00 Clark County Faults CLA_G.E00 Clark County Geology ELK_F.E00 Elko County Faults ELK_G.E00 Elko County Geology ESM_F.E00 Esmeralda County Faults ESM_G.E00 Esmeralda County Geology EUR_F.E00 Eureka County Faults EUR_G.E00 Eureka County Geology HUM_F.E00 Humboldt County Faults HUM_G.E00 Humboldt County Geology LAN_F.E00 Lander County Faults LAN_G.E00 Lander County Geology LDC_F.E00 Lyon, Douglas, and Carson County Faults LDC_G.E00 Lyon, Douglas, and Carson County Geology LIN_F.E00 Lincoln County Faults LIN_G.E00 Lincoln County Geology MIN_F.E00 Mineral County Faults MIN_G.E00 Mineral County Geology NYEN_F.E00 Northern Nye County Faults NYEN_G.E00 Northern Nye County Geology NYES_F.E00 Southern Nye County Faults NYES_G.E00 Southern Nye County Geology PER_F.E00 Pershing County Faults PER_G.E00 Pershing County Geology WASHN_F.E00 Northern Washoe County Faults WASHN_G.E00 Northern Washoe County Geology WASHS_F.E00 Southern Washoe County Faults WASHS_G.E00 Southern Washoe County Geology WPINE_F.E00 White Pine County Faults WPINE_G.E00 White Pine County Geology NEV_RDS.E00 Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale Major Roads NEV_CITY.E00 Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale Major Towns NEV_RIV.E00 Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale Major Rivers NEV_BND.E00 Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale County Boundaries QUAD8.E00 Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale 7.5' Quad Boundaries ARC_MAPS DIRECTORY, COUNTY MAPS IN ARC/INFO COVERAGE FORMAT. CHU_F.<DIR> Churchill County Faults CHU_G.<DIR> Churchill County Geology CLA_F.<DIR> Clark County Faults CLA_G.<DIR> Clark County Geology ELK_F.<DIR> Elko County Faults ELK_G.<DIR> Elko County Geology ESM_F.<DIR> Esmeralda County Faults ESM_G.<DIR> Esmeralda County Geology EUR_F.<DIR> Eureka County Faults EUR_G.<DIR> Eureka County Geology HUM_F.<DIR> Humboldt County Faults HUM_G.<DIR> Humboldt County Geology LAN_F.<DIR> Lander County Faults LAN_G.<DIR> Lander County Geology LDC_F.<DIR> Lyon, Douglas, and Carson County Faults LDC_G.<DIR> Lyon, Douglas, and Carson County Geology LIN_F.<DIR> Lincoln County Faults LIN_G.<DIR> Lincoln County Geology MIN_F.<DIR> Mineral County Faults MIN_G.<DIR> Mineral County Geology NYEN_F.<DIR> Northern Nye County Faults NYEN_G.<DIR> Northern Nye County Geology NYES_F.<DIR> Southern Nye County Faults NYES_G.<DIR> Southern Nye County Geology PER_F.<DIR> Pershing County Faults PER_G.<DIR> Pershing County Geology WASHN_F.<DIR> Northern Washoe County Faults WASHN_G.<DIR> Northern Washoe County Geology WASHS_F.<DIR> Southern Washoe County Faults WASHS_G.<DIR> Southern Washoe County Geology WPINE_F.<DIR> White Pine County Faults WPINE_G.<DIR> White Pine County Geology DOCUMENT DIRECTORY. README.TXT CD-ROM File List Readme Text File REPORT.TXT Project Report Text File METADATA.DBF Metadata in dBase III+ file format METADATA.DBH Metadata Header file for dBase III+ file METADATA.PRN Metadata in printer file format DXF_MAPS DIRECTORY, COUNTY MAPS IN DXF FILE FORMAT CHU_F.DXF Churchill County Faults CHU_G.DXF Churchill County Geology CLA_F.DXF Clark County Faults CLA_G.DXF Clark County Geology ELK_F.DXF Elko County Faults ELKNE_G.DXF Northeast Elko County Geology ELKNW_G.DXF Northwest Elko County Geology ELKSE_G.DXF Southeast Elko County Geology ELKSW_G.DXF Southwest Elko County Geology ESM_F.DXF Esmeralda County Faults ESM_G.DXF Esmeralda County Geology EU_F.DXF Eureka County Faults EU_G.DXF Eureka County Geology HUM_F.DXF Humboldt County Faults HUM_G.DXF Humboldt County Geology LAN_F.DXF Lander County Faults LAN_G.DXF Lander County Geology LDC_F.DXF Lyon, Douglas, and Carson County Faults LDC_G.DXF Lyon, Douglas, and Carson County Geology LIN_F.DXF Lincoln County Faults LINC_G.DXF Central Lincoln County Geology LINN_G.DXF Northern Lincoln County Geology LINS_G.DXF Southern Lincoln County Geology MIN_F.DXF Mineral County Faults MIN_G.DXF Mineral County Geology NYEN_F.DXF Northern Nye County Faults NYEN_G_C.DXF North-Central Northern Nye County Geology NYEN_G_E.DXF Northeast Northern Nye County Geology NYEN_G_W.DXF Northwest Northern Nye County Geology NYES_F.DXF Southern Nye County Faults NYES_G.DXF Southern Nye County Geology PER_F.DXF Pershing County Faults PER_G.DXF Pershing County Geology WASHN_F.DXF Northern Washoe County Faults WASHN_G.DXF Northern Washoe County Geology WASHS_F.DXF Southern Washoe County Faults WASHS_G.DXF Southern Washoe County Geology WP_F.DXF White Pine County Faults WPN_G.DXF Northern White Pine County Geology WPS_G.DXF Southern White Pine County Geology DXF_BASE DIRECTORY, 1:1,000,000 SCALE BASE DATA IN DXF FILE FORMAT. NV_RIVER.DXF Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale Major Rivers NV_RDS96.DXF Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale Major Roads NV_BND.DXF Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale County Boundaries ARC_BASE DIRECTORY, 1:1,000,000 SCALE BASE DATA ARC/INFO COVERAGE FORMAT. NEV_BND.<DIR> Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale County Boundaries NEV_RIV.<DIR> Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale Major Rivers NEV_CITY.<DIR> Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale Major Towns NEV_RDS.<DIR> Nevada 1:1,000.000 Scale Major Roads QUAD8.<DIR> Nevada 1:1,000,000 Scale 7.5' Quad Boundaries
YEAR 2000 RELEASE (December 5, 2000)
The directory, New_Shapes, contains the same files as in the Arc_maps directory but in shape file format. The shape file format is a nonproprietary format that can be directly used or imported by various GIS type software packages. A "g" at the end of the primary file name denotes polygon geology, a "ga" denotes geology arcs, and a "f" denotes faults.
The directory, New_Basedata, contains updated versions of the following Nevada base data layers. The directory for arc export files is called E00_file. The directory for shape files is called Shapefiles. These 1:1,000,000 scale data layers were added after the first release of this CD-ROM and are not listed in the original documentation.
Nevada 7.5 minute, 1:24,000 scale, quad coverage from USGS: Quad8_new.e00 in arc export format and quad8_new in shape file format.
Nevada Township and Range coverage: tr100_98.e00 in arc export format and tr_a and tr_p in shape file format.
Nevada small scale roads coverage: roads.e00 in arc export format and Roads in shape file format.
Nevada cities: cities.e00 in arc export format and Cities in shape file format.
Nevada state and county boundaries: county.e00 in arc export file format and County in shape file format.
If you have questions about this data set please contact NBMG.
Principal Investigators: Ronald H. Hess (Geographic Information System
Supervisor) and Gary L. Johnson (Geographic Information System
Project Funding Provided by: United States Department of Energy, Yucca Mountain Office
Original Product Code: OF971
