Welcome to the Great Basin Science Sample and Records Library (GBSSRL)!

The GBSSRL is the public office for the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)—Nevada's state geological survey.
Visit us!
2175 Raggio Pkwy
Reno, NV 89512
PLEASE NOTE: Road construction in progress on US-395 N. Plan travel accordingly!
Our office hours are:
Tuesday–Friday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, PST
Thank you for your understanding!
We are closed on State of Nevada holidays.
Thank you for your understanding!
In case of inclement weather, please check the DRI and UNR websites to see if there is a closure or delayed start.
For questions about the following resources, please email NBMG@unr.edu, or call (775) 682-8766
- NBMG maps and publications
- U.S. Geological Survey geologic maps and publications
- U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps
Core, cuttings, aerial photographs, and rock IDs
Appointments are required for rock IDs and viewing of core, cuttings, and aerial photographs
Please email Rachel Micander at rmicander@unr.edu for inquiries regarding core and cuttings, aerial photographs, or rock identification.
Please note: we do not identify meteorites. If you believe you have a meteorite, please click here for links to resources on identification of meteorites.
Core and Cuttings:
Our core/cuttings examination/sampling procedures can be viewed
here. It is the customers responsibility to thoroughly review the examination and sampling procedures.
For oil, gas, and geothermal wells: please note
well name, type (oil/gas or geothermal), API, and/or permit number in your email. Use the Great Basin Subsurface Database Explorer for an up-to-date list of wells in the state. We do not have cuttings/core for all wells.
Due to the nature of our warehouse and extensive collection of core and cuttings, several weeks of lead time may be needed to retrieve samples. Please plan accordingly and schedule your appointments ahead of time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Links to all state core repositories
Aerial photographs:
Please include area of interest, scales, year photographed, and/or any other information that may be helpful in locating photographs. Please note there is a $50/site fee associated with viewing air photos. It is $50/hour for scanning air photos with a $5 charge to load scans to a DVD or $15 for a thumb drive. We are not always able to complete or accommodate scanning during your visit.
Rock identification:
Please include information on where you found the rock/mineral, and if you have tested any physical properties (hardness, streak, magnetic).
We do not estimate value of rocks or minerals, nor do we purchase them. We also do not provide any geochemical information. Rock identification at the GBSSRL is a free service and we will do our best to let you know what you might have. If you are looking for more definitive identification or looking to see how much of a mineral commodity you might have in your rock, we recommend taking the sample to an
assay lab.
For an emergency due to a geologic hazard event, contact NBMG Director,
Simon Jowitt:
Phone: 702-287-6176
Email: sjowitt@unr.edu
Geological Society of Nevada:
The Great Basin Science Sample and Records Library also houses the office of the Geological Society of Nevada.
Geological Society of Nevada (GSN)
Laura Ruud, Executive Manager
Phone: (775) 323-3500
Fax: (775) 323-3599Email: gsn@gsnv.orgWeb: https://www.gsnv.org/
GSN office hours:Tuesday - Friday, 10:00AM - 5:00PM, PST