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Active mines and oil fields in Nevada, 1980 [OUT OF PRINT]
Active mines and oil fields in Nevada, 1980 OUT OF PRINT

Product Code: M072
Out of print

Title:  Active mines and oil fields in Nevada, 1980
Author:  Keith G. Papke and John Schilling
Year:  1981
Series No.:  Map 72
Version:  superseded by Maps 84, 170 and Open-File Reports 98-9, 99-16, 02-2, 03-30, 04-12, 05-12, and 10-5; supersedes Map 55
Format:  33 x 30 inches, four color
Scale:  1:1,000,000

Location map of metal and industrial mineral mines and oil fields, active in 1980; on topographic base with township and range grid; list of commodities produced, names of properties, and operators. Superseded by Maps 84, 170 and Open-File Reports 98-9, 99-16, 02-2, 03-30, 04-12, 05-12, and 10-5; supersedes Map 55.

Original Product Code:  M72