Welcome to the
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Publication Sales and Information Office!

We are located at the Great Basin Science Sample and Records Library:
2175 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512

Please note: Road construction in progress on US-395 N.
Plan travel accordingly!

Our office hours are:

TuesdayFriday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, PST

Thank you for your understanding!

Contact us!
Phone: (775) 682-8766
Email: nbmg@unr.edu

Appointments are required for rock IDs and viewing of core, cuttings, and aerial photographs.

Geol Hogum
Geologic map of the Hogum quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada
Price: $23.00
Geol South Bastian Spring
Geologic map of the South Bastian Spring quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada
Price: $23.00
Geologic map of the Ruby Valley School  Quadrangle, Elko county, Nevada
Geologic map of the Ruby Valley School Quadrangle, Elko county, Nevada
Price: $45.00
Geol s part White Cloud Point
Geologic map of the southern part of the White Cloud Point quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada
Price: $22.00
Geol NV part Boulder Canyon
Geologic map of the Nevada part of the Boulder Canyon quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada
Price: $25.00
Geol Caliente NW
Geologic map of the Caliente NW quadrangle, Lincoln County, Nevada
Price: $27.00
Geol Bullwhacker Springs
Geologic map of the Bullwhacker Springs quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada
Price: $23.00
Nevada mineral and energy resource exploration survey 2023/2024
Nevada mineral and energy resource exploration survey 2023/2024
Price: $10.00
Recon 2023 landslide Peavine Mt
Reconnaissance geologic and geomorphic evaluation of the 2023 landslide along the southern flank of Peavine Mountain, Reno, Nevada
Price: $4.00
Geol Calavera Canyon
Geologic map of the Calavera Canyon quadrangle, Humboldt County, Nevada
Price: $28.00
Lithium in Nevada
Lithium in Nevada--origins, extent, role in the energy transition, and implications for economic development and national security
Nevada active mines and energy producers [Superseded by OF 2025-01]
Nevada active mines and energy producers [Superseded by OF 2025-01]
Major mines of  Nevada 2023:  Mineral industries in  Nevada’s economy
Major mines of Nevada 2023: Mineral industries in Nevada's economy
Price: $5.00
Geol Sixmile Canyon
Geologic map of the Sixmile Canyon quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada
Price: $23.00
Nevada active mines and energy producers OF2025-01
Nevada active mines and energy producers
Price: $24.00
Nevada geology calendar 2025
Nevada geology calendar 2025
Price: $12.00
Surf geol Quat fault Las Vegas
Surficial geology and Quaternary fault map of the Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada
Price: $50.00
The Nevada mineral industry 2023
The Nevada mineral industry 2023
Price: $20.00
Geol Rhyolite Ridge
Geologic map of Rhyolite Ridge and the northern Silver Peak Range, Esmeralda County, Nevada [MAP AND TEXT]
Price: $30.00
Geol Chokecherry Mtn
Geologic map of the Chokecherry Mountain quadrangle, Lincoln County, Nevada
Price: $29.00
The anatomy of the Railroad Valley Basin: Host to Nevada's largest oil fields
The anatomy of the Railroad Valley Basin: Host to Nevada's largest oil fields
Geol Sacramento Pass
Geologic map of the Sacramento Pass quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada
Price: $24.00

Check this out!

Topographic map of Nevada
Price: $55.00
White Geologic Map of Nevada long-sleeved shirt
Price: $25.00
Nevada Raven Wall Map [LAMINATED]
Price: $75.00
Off-white Geologic Map of Nevada short-sleeved shirt
Price: $20.00
California Raven Wall Map [PAPER]
Price: $60.00

New Products

A correlated history of Earth [WALL POSTER]
Price: $25.00
Glacial Lake Missoula and its humongous floods
Price: $15.00
Ground-water levels in the Great Basin region of N
Price: $9.00
Idaho rocks
Price: $20.00
Washington rocks!
Price: $18.00