Title: Analytical data accompanying “The Golden Devil Zone, a New Discovery in the Goldbanks District, Nevada” in Geological Society of Nevada Symposium Proceedings May 18–21, 2015
Author: Joshua R. Ellis, Caleb N. Stroup, William C. McClelland, Paul W. Layer, and Jeff A. Benowitz Year: 2015 Series: Open-File Report 15-10 Version: Format: CD-ROM, 3.5 MB (contains 15 pages of text, plus additional analytical data on Excel spreadsheets not included in text) Scale:
This report serves as an analytical appendix for the new geochronological data presented and interpreted in “The Golden Devil Zone, a New Discovery in the Goldbanks District, Nevada” in Geological Society of Nevada Symposium Proceedings May 18-21, 2015. This appendix includes analytical data for all samples selected for U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar analysis at the Kinross’ Goldbanks project between 2012 and 2014, including samples where no age determination was possible.
Ar_Ar_Data (5 Excel files, 62 KB) U_Pb_Data (2 Excel files, 4 PDF files of CL images in text, 1.16 MB) Text (15 pages, includes some color, 2.12 MB)
Suggested citation: Ellis, J.R., Stroup, C.N., McClelland, W.C., Layer, P.W., and Benowitz, J.A., 2015, Analytical data accompanying “The Golden Devil Zone, a New Discovery in the Goldbanks District, Nevada" in Geological Society of Nevada Symposium Proceedings May 18–21, 2015: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 15-10, 15 p., additional digital data.
Original Product Code: OF1510
