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Bouguer gravity map of Nevada: Lund sheet
Bouguer gravity map of Nevada: Lund sheet
Price: $4.00

Product Code: M080

Title: Bouguer gravity map of Nevada: Lund sheet

Author: D. B. Snyder, D. L. Healey, and R. W. Saltus
Year: 1984
Series: Map 80
Format: 36 x 22 inches, two color
Scale: 1:250,000

Gravity map of the Lund 1- by 2-degree quadrangle at 5-milligal intervals, showing gravity stations, and generalized geology in four units; on topographic base with township and range grid; text describes geologic units, sources of gravity data, and sources of generalized geology; references. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey.

Original Product Code: M80