Title: Geology of parts of the Wadsworth and Churchill Butte quadrangles, Nevada
Author: Robert L. Rose
Year: 1969
Series: Bulletin 71z
Format: digital files only: 185 MB; 29 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches, 1 b/w drawing, 7 b/w photos, 1 table, 1 plate--1:48,000, geologic map and sections, 30 x 23 inches, full color
Scale: 1:48,000
The following files are included in the GIS zip folder: geodatabases, images, layer_files, metadata, mxds, and pdfs.
The geography, stratigraphy and lithology, structural and economic
geology of the area; references and index. Regional overviews are in
Bulletin 70 and Bulletin 75.
The area covered in this report is located in west-central
Nevada and is centered about 30 miles east of Reno (see fig. 1). It
includes the southern half of the U. S. Geological Survey Wadsworth
15-minute quadrangle and the northern half of the Churchill Butte
15-minute quadrangle. Most of the area is in Storey and Lyon counties
but the northern portion is in Washoe County. Original Product Code: B71z
