Title: Geologic map of the Buckskin Mountain quadrangle, Nevada
Author: Peter G. Vikre
Year: 1985
Series: Map 88z Version:
Format: 119 MB, 42 x 29 inches, full color
Scale: 1:24,000
The following files are included in the GIS zip folder: geodatabases, images, layer_files, metadata, mxds, and pdfs.
Geologic map of the Buckskin Mountain 7.5-minute quadrangle, with cross sections; on topographic base with township and range tics; three photos; inset map of physiography; tables of age dates and geochemistry; text describing 23 geologic units, structural geology, and mineral deposits; references. A discussion of regional geology can be found in Bulletin 59.
Original Product Code: M88z
