Title: Geologic map of the Mineral Hill quadrangle, Nevada
Author: Donald Carlisle and Clemens A. Nelson
Year: 1990
Series: Map 97z
Format: 89 MB, 41.5 x 29 inches, full color
Scale: 1:48,000
The following files are included in the GIS zip folder: geodatabases, images, layer_files, metadata, mxds, and pdfs. This folder does not include the PDF of the actual map—just a PDF of the GIS version of the map which does not include the detailed unit descriptions. This GIS version of the PDF is displayed in the thumbnail images above.
A 1:48,000-scale geologic map of the Mineral Hill 15-minute quadrangle with eight cross sections and two diagrams showing structural, stratigraphic, and thrust relationships. Includes text on geologic structure with emphasis on the Roberts Mountains thrust.
Original Product Code: M97z
