Title: Geologic map of the Mount Davis quadrangle, Nevada and Arizona
Author: James E. Faulds
Year: 1995
Series: Map 105z
Format: 13 MB; plate: 28 x 40 inches, full color; text: 4 pages, b/w
Scale: 1:24,000
The following files are included in the GIS zip folder: ArcFiles, databases, E00_files, images, metadata, pdf_files, and shapefiles. This directory contains the digital version of the geologic map and related data of the Mount Davis quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada and Mohave County, Arizona.
A 1:24,000-scale geologic map of the Mount Davis 7.5-minute quadrangle in Clark County, Nevada and Mohave County, Arizona. Accompanying text discusses the stratigraphic and structural framework of the quadrangle.
Original Product Code: M105z
