Title: Reno NW quadrangle: Geologic map
Author: S. A. Soeller and R. L. Nielsen
Year: 1980
Series: Urban Map 4Dgz
Format: 14 MB, 21 x 29 inches, full color map
Scale: 1:24,000
The following files are included in the GIS zip folder: arcfiles, databases, DEMs, e00_files, images, info, metadata, pdf_files, and shapefiles. This directory contains the digital version of the geologic map and related data of the Reno NW 7.5-minute quadrangle, Nevada.
Geologic map of the Reno NW 7.5-minute quadrangle showing geology, structure, and bleach and altered rock plus brief descriptions of 26 geologic units and a correlation column. Other maps in the NBMG Urban Map series for the Reno NW quadrangle include Slope (4Db) and Earthquake hazards (4Di). See figure 3 for other quadrangles in the Urban Map series.
Original Product Code: UM4Dgz
