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Earthquake epicenter map of Nevada [Superseded by Maps 111, 119, AND 179]
Earthquake epicenter map of Nevada SUPERSEDED BY MAPS 111, 119, AND 179
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Product Code: M029


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Title: Earthquake epicenter map of Nevada

Author: David B. Slemmons, James I. Gimlett, Austin E. Jones, Roger Greensfelder, and James Koenig
Year: 1965
Series: Map 29
Version: see Maps 111, 119, and 179 for updated versions.
Format: 39 x 34 inches, b/w
Scale: 1:1,000,000

Location map of earthquake epicenters 1854-1960, indicating five levels of magnitude, on topographic base, lists location and description of destructive or near destructive earthquakes, description of the modified Mercalli intensity scale of 1931, and epicentral distribution; references. See Maps 111, 119, and 179 for updated versions.

Original Product Code: M29