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Geology of the granite complex of the Eldorado, Newberry, and northern Dead Mountains, Clark County, Nevada [OUT OF PRINT]
Geology of the granite complex of the Eldorado, Newberry, and northern Dead Mountains, Clark County, Nevada OUT OF PRINT

Product Code: B080
Out of print

Title:  Geology of the granite complex of the Eldorado, Newberry, and northern Dead Mountains, Clark County, Nevada
Author:  Alexis Volborth
Year:  1973
Series No.:  Bulletin 80
Format:  46 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches, 2 b/w drawings, 28 b/w photos (including 22 photomicrographs), 4 tables, 1 plate--1:125,000, geologic map and sections, 31 x 22 inches, full color
Scale:  1:125,000

The geography, stratigraphy, and structure of the area; petrographic descriptions and radioactive age determinations; references. A regional overview is in Bulletin 62.

Original Product Code:  B80