Title: Geologic map of the Caetano caldera, Lander and Eureka counties, Nevada
Author: Joseph P. Colgan, Christopher D. Henry, and David A. John
Year: 2011
Series: Map 174
Format: plate: 35 x 27 inches, color; text: 10 pages, b/w
Scale: 1:75,000
A 1:75,000-scale, color geologic map of the 34 Ma Caetano caldera, Lander and Eureka counties, Nevada with descriptions of 41 geologic units and one cross section. Accompanying text includes full unit descriptions and references. More than 100 percent extension beginning in the middle Miocene tilted the caldera into a set of about 40-degree east-dipping fault blocks that provide exceptional exposures of the entire caldera to its floor, including Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and pre-caldera volcanic rocks in the floor, intracaldera Caetano Tuff up to 4 km thick, ash-flow tuff feeder dikes, caldera collapse breccias, post-collapse resurgent intrusions, and the caldera structural margin and topographic wall.
Map 174 covers all or parts of these USGS topographic quadrangles:Southern portion of 1-5 All of 6-9 Most of 10-15
1 - Redrock Spring 2 - Goat Peak 3 - Ferris Creek 4- Tenabo 5 - East of Tenabo 6 - Moss Creek 7 - Carico Lake North 8 - Rocky Pass 9 - Cortez Canyon 10 - Cortez 11 - The Cedars 12 - Carico Lake South 13 - Wood Spring Canyon 14 - Wenban Spring 15 - Dugout Spring
Suggested citation: Colgan, J.P., Henry, C.D., and John, D.A., 2011, Geologic map of the Caetano caldera, Lander and Eureka counties, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 174, scale 1:75,000, 10 p. Original Product Code: M174 dox