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Geologic map of the Sacramento Pass quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada
Geol Sacramento Pass
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Product Code: OF2023-06


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Title: Geologic map of the Sacramento Pass quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada

Author: Elizabeth L. Miller, Cynthia M. Martinez, and Scott Johnston
Year: 2023
Series: Open-File Report 2023-06
Format: 33 x 30 inches, color
Scale: 1:24,000

The Sacramento Pass quadrangle includes Sacramento Pass on U.S Highway 50, located in the southwestern corner of the quadrangle. This is a region of complex normal faulting between the northern Snake Range and southern Snake Range. In the northern Snake Range, the northern Snake Range detachment fault (NSRD) separates faulted and tilted Paleozoic strata in an upper plate position from highly strained, foliated and lineated, mylonitic Precambrian to Cambrian metasedimentary rocks and granites in the lower plate. The NSRD is last exposed in Silver Creek in the northeastern edge of the quadrangle, but is inferred to underlie faulted Paleozoic rocks westward into the bordering South Bastian Spring quadrangle. To the south of Highway 50, Jurassic plutonic rocks and the Precambrian sediments they intrude do not have mylonitic fabrics. The youngest faults in the quadrangle cut and accommodate tilting of Miocene syn-extensional basin-fill deposits that underlie the southeastern portion of the map. Rock avalanche deposits or sheets of rock breccia derived from Paleozoic strata are intercalated with Miocene lacustrine sediments and are well-exposed in this and surrounding quadrangles. They herald the onset of Basin and Range faulting and differential uplift.

Research supported by the U.S. Geological Survey, National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, under STATEMAP award number G21AC10873.

Suggested citation:
Miller, E.L., Martinez, C.M., Johnston, S., 2023, Geologic map of the Sacramento Pass quadrangle, White Pine County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 2023-06, scale 1:24,000, 5 p.

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