Title: Las Vegas SE folio: Geologic constraints map
Author: John W. Bell
Year: 1978
Series: Urban Map 3Am
Format: 21 x 29 inches, full color map
Scale: 1:24,000
Map of the Las Vegas SE 7.5-minute quadrangle showing eight categories of caliche problems, three categories of soluble sulfate hazard, two categories of general constraints, three categories of fault hazard, areas of fissuring hazard, also giving detailed information for selected data points. Other maps in the NBMG Urban Map series for the Las Vegas SE Quadrangle include Tinted relief (3Aa), Slope (3Ab), Land use (3Ac), Soils (3Ad), Vegetation (3Ae), Ground water (3Af), Geology (3Ag), Energy and mineral resources (3Ah), and Flood and related debris flow hazards (3Al). See figure 3 for other quadrangles in the Urban Map series.
Original Product Code: 3Am
