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Geology and mineral resources of Elko County, Nevada [OUT OF PRINT, SUPERSEDED BY BULLETINS 101 AND 106]
Geology and mineral resources of Elko County, Nevada OUT OF PRINT, SUPERSEDED BY BULLETINS 101 AND 106

Product Code: B054

Title:  Geology and mineral resources of Elko County, Nevada
Author:  Arthur E. Granger, Mendell M. Bell, George C. Simmons, and Florence Lee
Year:  1957
Series No.:  Bulletin 54
Version:  superseded by Bulletins 101 and 106
Format:  215 pages, 9 x 6 inches, 23 b/w drawings, 15 tables (including 2 oversized), 19 plates: plate 1, 1 inch = 4 miles, geologic map, 33 x 48 inches, b/w; plate 2, mining district overlay, 32 x 40 inches, b/w; plate 3, 1 inch = 14 miles, index map of mining districts, 10 x 11 inches, b/w; plate 4, 1 inch = 1 mile, geologic map, Tennessee Mountain-Rowland area, 19 x 15 inches, b/w; plate 5, 1 inch = 2 miles, geologic map and sections, Contact district, 15 x 16 inches, b/w; plate 6, 1 inch = 750 feet, geologic map, Nevada Bellevue claims, Contact district, 7 x 15 inches, b/w; plate 7, 1 inch = 100 feet, geologic map, Nevada Bellevue mine, Contact district, 7 x 14 inches, b/w; plate 8, 1 inch = 100 feet, underground workings, Delano mine, Delano district, 12 x 17 inches, b/w; plate 9, 1 inch = 1 mile, geologic map, Ivanhoe district, 17 x 12 inches, b/w; plate 10, 1 inch = 500 feet, geologic map, Governor quicksilver mine, Ivanhoe district, 13 x 9 inches, b/w; plate 11, 1 inch = 2 miles, geologic map and section, Jarbidge district, 12 x 8 inches, b/w; plate 12, 1 inch = 50 feet, underground workings, Rip Van Winkle mine, Merrimac district, 10 x 23 inches, b/w; plate 13, 1 inch = 50 feet, cross section, Rip Van Winkle mine, Merrimac district, 11 x 8 inches, b/w; plate 14, 1 inch = .5 mile, geologic map and section, Mountain City and vicinity, 12 x 11 inches, b/w; plate 15, 1 inches = 200 feet, underground workings, Mountain City Copper Company, Cope district, 16 x 35 inches, b/w; plate 16, 1 inch = 40 feet, geologic map, Silver Butte mine, Mud Springs district, 11 x 21 inches, b/w; plate 17, 1 inch = 2000 feet, geologic map, Railroad district, 8 x 9 inches, b/w; plate 18, 1 inch = .33 miles, geologic map, Spruce Mountain district, 13 x 15 inches, b/w; plate 19, 1 inch = 1250 feet, claim map, Tuscarora district, 13 x 13 inches,b/w

The geology, mineral deposits, and production with emphasis on a detailed description of the mining districts; references and index. Prepared cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Society. Geologic information superseded in NBMG Bulletin 101; mineral deposit information updated in Open-File Reports 81-4, 83-9, and 83-10.

Original Product Code:  B54

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Geology of Elko County, Nevada