Title: Geology and mineral deposits of Lyon, Douglas, and Ormsby counties, Nevada
Author: James G. Moore with a section on Industrial mineral deposits, by N.L. Archbold
Year: 1969
Series: Bulletin 75
Version: supersedes Bulletin 49
Format: digital files only, 73 MB; contains PDF of 53 pages,11 x 8.5 inches, 7 b/w drawings, 10 b/w photos, 4 tables, 2 plates:
- plate 1, 1:250,000, geologic map, 28 x 24 inches, full color, and geospatial PDF
- plate 2, 1:250,000, mineral resources, 28 x 20 inches, 4 color, and geospatial PDF
Scale: 1:250,000
The geography, geologic formations, structure, and mineral deposits including detailed descriptions of districts; the section on industrial minerals reviews 19 minerals and their deposits in these counties; references and index. Prepared cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey. Supplements and updates information in Bulletin 46 and Bulletin 49. Geologic map available in digital format in Open-File Report 97-1 (OF1997-01) and Bulletin 75y (B075y).
You can use geospatial PDF files with Avenza. http://nbmg.unr.edu/GeospatialPDFs.html
Digital version © Copyright 2020 The University of Nevada, Reno. All Rights Reserved.
Original Product Code: B75y