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Geology of the central Humboldt Range, Nevada [PHOTOCOPY]
Geology of the central Humboldt Range, Nevada PHOTOCOPY

Price: $12.30

Product Code: B024

Title: Geology of the central Humboldt Range, Nevada

Author: C. Phillip Jenney
Year: 1935
Series No.: Bulletin 24
Format: 75 pages, 9 x 6 inches, 22 b/w drawings, 12 b/w photos, 1 plate--1 inch =2150 feet, geology, 27.5 x 14 inches, b/w

History of mining in the region, previous geologic research, general geology including geologic formations and intrusions, structure, physiography, and mineralization. Originally published as University of Nevada Bulletin, v. 29, no. 6, December 28, 1935; a regional overview is in Bulletin 89.

Original Product Code: B24