Title: Geologic map of the Stony Point quadrangle, Lander County, Nevada
Author: Alan R. Ramelli, P. Kyle House, Chester T. Wrucke, and David A. John
Year: 2001
Series: Map 131
Format: 33 x 27.5 inches, color
Scale: 1:24,000
A 1:24,000-scale, full-color geologic map of the Stony Point 7.5-minute quadrangle depicting 33 geologic units. The map shows alluvial deposits of the Humboldt River and adjacent piedmont areas, Quaternary faults bounding the Shoshone and Sheep Creek Ranges, Miocene volcanic rocks of the northern Nevada rift, and highly deformed Paleozoic rocks (Slaven Chert and Valmy Formation).
Original Product Code: M131
