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Regional, residual, and derivative gravity maps of Nevada [6 MAPS ON 4 SHEETS]
Regional, residual, and derivative gravity maps of Nevada 6 MAPS ON 4 SHEETS
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Price: $13.00

Product Code: M094B

Title: Regional, residual, and derivative gravity maps of Nevada

Author: R.W. Saltus
Year: 1988
Series: Map 94B
Format: sheets 1-2, 32 x 32 inches, full color; sheets 3-4, 22 x 32 inches, full color
Scale: 4 maps at 1:1,000,000; 2 maps at 1:2,500,000

A set of six gravity anomaly maps created by applying a variety of analytical techniques to digital data. Sheet 1--Bouguer gravity anomaly map showing 32 gradation in milligals, on topographic base with township and range grid; inset map of topography showing 29 gradations at 1:250,000; text describing sources of gravity data, data reduction, gridding and plotting, and meaning of anomalies; references. Sheet 2--Isostatic residual gravity map showing 32 gradations in milligals, on topographic base with township and range grid; inset map of isostatic regional gravity showing 25 gradations at 1:250,000; explanitory text and references. Sheet 3--Verticle derivative of Bouguer gravity showing 32 gradations in milligals, on topographic base with township and range grid; explanitory text and references. Sheet 4--Horizontal derivative of Bouguer gravity showing 32 gradations in milligals, on topographic base with township and range grid; explanitory text and references. Perpared cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey. For additional information on geophysics see Maps 93A, 93B, and 94A.

Original Product Code: M94B