Title: Las Vegas SE quadrangle: General ground water map
Author: J.R. Harrill and Terry Katzer
Year: 1980
Series: Urban Map 3Af
Format: 21 x 29 inches, full color map
Scale: 1:24,000
Map of the Las Vegas SE 7.5-minute quadrangle showing five categories of relative water yield, describes lithologic units and water yielding properties, also shows depth to water contours, wells used as control points, flowing artesian wells, water-quality contours, groundwater discharge areas, and areas of potential groundwater recharge. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey. Similar maps were earlier published by Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology as hydrologic maps. Other maps in the Urban Map series for the Las Vegas SE Quadrangle include Tinted relief (3Aa), Slope (3Ab), Land use (3Ac), Soils (3Ad), Vegetation (3Ae), Geology (3Ag), Energy and mineral resources (3Ah), Flood and related debris flow hazards (3Al), and Geologic constraints (3Am). See figure 3 for other quadrangles in the Urban Map series.
Original Product Code: 3Af
