Title: Industrial mineral deposits in Nevada
Author: Keith G. Papke and Stephen B. Castor
Year: 2003
Series: Map 142
Version: supersedes Map 46
and Map 27 Format: plate: 22 x 35.6 inches, color; text: 22 pages, b/w
Scale: 1:1,000,000
Deposits of industrial minerals in Nevada are shown on a 1:1,000,000-scale topographic map. Deposits are identified as productive (active or past production) or without significant production. References and other information are provided in an accompanying insert. Table 1 of text is also available on the NBMG website as an Excel file.
Location map of 385 deposits of industrial minerals, indicating two levels of past production; on topographic base with township and range grid; list by mineral, county, and deposit name; includes barite, borate, clay, carbonate rocks, diatomite, fluorspar, graphite, gypsum, limestone and dolomite, lithium, magnesium minerals, perlite, phosphate, potassium minerals, pumice, pumicite, volcanic cinder, silica, sodium, soil additive, building stone, sulfur, talcose minerals, vermiculite, wollastonite, and zeolite.
Additional information on industrial minerals can be found in NBMG Bulletin 65 and in NBMG annual reports on The Nevada mineral industry (MI subseries of Special Publications). Supplemental information on barite can be found in NBMG Bulletin 98, Report 4, and Map 6; clay, Bulletin 76; dumortierite, Bulletin 8; fluorspar, Bulletin 93, Report 1, and Map 3; and gypsum, Bulletin 103.
Original Product Code: M142 dox
