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Industrial minerals of Nevada [Superseded by Map 142]
Industrial minerals of Nevada SUPERSEDED BY MAP 142

Product Code: M027

Title:  Industrial minerals of Nevada
Author:  Robert C. Horton
Year:  1964
Series No.:  Map 27
Format:  39 x 34 inches, two color
Scale:  1:1,000,000

Location map of deposits of 17 industrial minerals, indicating production status, areas of numerous deposits, on topographic base, with list by mineral and county; includes barite, borates, cinder and pumice quarries, clay, coal, diatomite, dumortierite, fluorspar, gypsum, limestone and dolomite quarries, magnesite, perlite, petroleum, silica quarries, sodium compounds, sulfur, and vermiculite.  Additional information on industrial minerals can be found in B65, M46, and in the NBMG annual reports on The Nevada mineral industry MI subseries of Special Publications. Supplemental information on barite can be found in Bulletin 98, Report 4, and Map 6; clay, Bulletin 76; coal, Open-File Report 80-5; dumortierite, Bulletin 8; fluorspar, Bulletin 93, Report 1, and Map 3; gypsum, Bulletin 103; and petroleum, Bulletin 104, Database Map 1, and Open-File Report 96-6. Superseded by Map 142.

Original Product Code:  M27