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Late pre-Cambrian--Cambrian stratigraphic cross section through southern Nevada [OUT OF PRINT]
Late pre-Cambrian--Cambrian stratigraphic cross section through southern Nevada OUT OF PRINT

Product Code: B047
Out of print

Title:  Late pre-Cambrian--Cambrian stratigraphic cross section through southern Nevada
Author:  Harry E. Wheeler
Year:  1948
Series No.:  Bulletin 47
Format:  61 pages, 9 x 6 inches, 4 b/w drawings, 1 color drawing (oversized), 3 b/w photos, oversized material--figure 5, stratigraphic correlation diagram, 12 x 14 inches, 2 color

The lithologic and time-stratigraphic correlations of the latest Precambrian and Cambrian marine sediments from the Marble, Providence, and Nopah Ranges of southeastern California, through the Johnnie, Groom, Delamar, and Pioche districts of southern Nevada, to the Wah Wah, House, and Deep Creek Ranges of western Utah; references. Originally published as University of Nevada Bulletin, v. 42, no. 3, Geology and Mining Series, no. 47, March 1948. Additional information may be found in Bulletin 30A, Bulletin 31, Bulletin 34, Bulletin 39, and Bulletin 72.

Original Product Code:  B47