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Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
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NBMG Publications
Lithium in Nevada--origins, extent, role in the energy transition, and implications for economic development and national security
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Lithium in Nevada--Origins, Extent, Role in the Energy Transition, and Implications for Economic Development and National Security
Simon M. Jowitt, Christopher D. Henry, Jorge Crespo Mena, Cary R. Lindsey, Michael H. Darin, Daniel M. Saftner, Kevin M. Heintz, and Ronald L. Hershey
Special Publication 40
48 pages, color
Lithium is critical to the ongoing transition from fossil fuels to low- and zero-carbon-dioxide (CO2) energy produced from renewable resources. The current dependence of the U.S. on foreign sources of lithium and on the batteries needed to power electric and hybrid vehicles, grid-scale electric storage for solar and wind renewable energy, computers, cell phones, and many other high-tech devices is a national security and economic concern. This report outlines the origin and extent of Nevada's lithium resources as well as its potential role in the energy transition and the implications of these resources for economic development and national security. Nevada is unique in the U.S. in that it contains all aspects of the lithium supply chain, including large mineral deposits formed by numerous geological processes. This means that Nevada is ideally suited to supply the lithium required not only by lithium ion battery manufacturing within the state but also potentially elsewhere in the U.S., representing a potentially secure domestic source of the raw material required for the lithium economy. Secure, domestic sources of lithium are most likely to be derived from the already known and characterized deposits in Nevada, especially given that Nevada currently has the largest lithium reserves and resources of any U.S. state. The potential for discovery of more lithium mineralization in Nevada is also growing, as research and exploration enables us to better understand the processes that form lithium sources, transport lithium, and facilitate the formation of lithium deposits. The economic security of the U.S. and Nevada lithium-ion battery industries as well as associated economic sectors will require significant development of lithium supply and refining capacity. This is also vital for future developments given the current rapid expansion of U.S. battery manufacturing capacity. The information outlined in this report strongly suggests that the growing U.S. lithium-ion battery sector is best served by the development of secure domestic lithium supply chains from plentiful mineral resources within Nevada.
Suggested Citation:
Jowitt, S.M., Henry, C.D., Crespo Mena, J., Lindsey, C.R., Darin, M.H., Saftner, D.M., Heintz, K.M., and Hershey, R.L., 2024, Lithium in Nevada—origins, extent, role in the energy transition, and implications for economic development and national security: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 40, 48 p.
Original Product Code: SP040