Title: Mineral resources of Storey and Lyon Counties, Nevada
Author: Carl Stoddard and Jay A. Carpenter
Year: 1950
Series: Bulletin 49
Version: superseded by Bulletins 70 and 75
Format: 115 pages, 9 x 6 inches, 3 b/w drawings, 13 b/w photos, 6 plates: plate 1, 1 inch = 2700 feet, Physical Outline of the Comstock Lode Mining District, 16 x 12 inches, b/w; plate 2, 1 inch = 2700 feet, Diagrammatical Vertical Sections A–A' and B–B' of Plate 1, 10 x 12 inches, b/w; plate 3, Diagrammatical Vertical Sections Illustrating the Geological Timetable of the Comstock Lode Mining District, 6 x 12 inches, b/w; plate 4, 1 inch = 2 miles, Map of Storey County [shows mining districts], 15 x 14 inches, b/w; plate 5, part 1, 1 inch = 4 miles, Map of Lyon County, North Half [shows mining districts], 16 x 15 inches, b/w; plate 5, part 2, 1 inch = 4 miles, Map of Lyon County, South Half [shows mining districts], 12 x 11 inches, b/w
The geology, history of mining, and mining districts of Storey and Lyon Counties; references. Originally published as University of Nevada Bulletin, v. 44, no. 1, Geology and Mining Series, no. 49, March 1950. Additional information can be found in NBMG Bulletins 70 and 75.
Original Product Code: B49