Title: Papers on mineral deposits of western North America
Author: John Drew Ridge
Year: 1979
Series: Report 33
Format: 214 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 142 b/w drawings, 40 b/w photos (including 30 photomicrographs), 18 tables
Contains papers presented at a symposium on general ore geology of western North America and on ore districts and ore deposits in that area including: Contains papers presented at a symposium on general ore geology of western North America and on ore districts and ore deposits in that area including:
- Geologic history of the central western United States, with references, by B. C. Burchfiel;
- Ore deposits of the western United States: a summary, with references, by John M. Proffett, Jr.;
- Metal provinces and plate tectonics in the conterminous United States, with references, by Edwin W. Tooker;
- The Precambrian massive sulfide deposits of Arizona-a distinct metallogenic epoch and province, with references, by Phillip Anderson and John M. Guilbert;
- Regional tectonics and the emplacement of Laramide porphyry-copper intrusions-Arizona-New Mexico, with references, by Richard L. Nielsen;
- Preliminary geochemical characterization of muscovites in porphyry base-metal alteration assemblages, with references, by John M. Guilbert and Robert W. Schafer;
- Possible signatures of buried porphyry-copper deposits in middle to late Tertiary volcanic rocks of western Nevada, with references, by Andy B. Wallace;
- Relation between volcanism and ore deposition at Goldfield, Nevada, with references, by Roger P. Ashley;
- Structural relations of igneous rocks and mineralization in the Battle Mountain mining district, Lander County, Nevada, with references, by David W. Blake, Ted G. Theodore, John N. Batchelder, and Edward L. Kretschmer;
- The Carlin gold deposit as a product of rock-water interactions, with references, by Frank W. Dickson, Robert O. Rye, and Arthur S. Radtke;
- Relation of mercury, uranium, and lithium deposits to the McDermitt caldera complex, Nevada-Oregon, with references, by James J. Rytuba and Richard K. Glanzman;
- Timing of hydrothermal alteration-mineralization and igneous activity in the Tonopah mining district and vicinity, Nye and Esmeralda Counties, Nevada, with references, by Miles L. Silberman, Harold F. Bonham, Jr., Larry J. Garside, and Roger P. Ashley;
- Porphyry copper genesis at Ely, Nevada, with references, by Gerhard Westra;
- Hydrothermal alteration-mineralization of a subvolcanic-volcanic complex, Breckenridge mining district, Colorado, with references, by Mark D. Cocker and Douglas E. Pride;
- Chronology of alteration, mineralization, and caldera evolution in the Lake City area, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado, with references, by John F. Slack and Peter W, Lipman;
- The Creede Ag-Pb-Zn- Cu-Au district, central San Juan Mountains, Colorado: a fossil geothermal system, with references, by Pamela H. Wetlaufer, Philip M. Bethke, Paul B. Barton, Jr., and Robert O. Rye;
- SEM investigation of the paragenesis of uranium deposits, Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico, with references, by Walter C. Riese, Douglas G. Brookins, and Moon J. Lee;
- Place and time of porphyry-type Cu-Mo mheralization in Upper Cretaceous caldera development, Tahtsa Lake, British Columbia, with references, by R. W. Hodder and D. G. MacIntyre;
- Genetic model for Sustut copper deposit in Triassic volcaniclastic rocks, central British Columbia, with references, by D. H. Wilton and A. J. Sinclair;
- Fissure-vein deposits related to continental volcanic and subvolcanic terranes in Sierra Madre Occi- dental Province, Mexico, with references, by K. F. Clark, R. R. Dow, and R. D. Knowling;
- Structural setting, emplacement of Veta Madre orebodies using the Sirena and Rayas mines as examples, Guanajuato, Mexico, with references, by John A. Randall; author index.
- Volume II of the Proceedings of the International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, Fifth Quadrennial Symposium.
Additional information on mineral deposits may be found in Reports 32, 36, 40, and 41.
Original Product Code: R33
