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Mines of Northern Nevada
Mines of Tuscarora, Cortez and other northern Nevada districts
Price: $19.95

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Product Code: NP06

Title: Mines of Northern Nevada

Author: W. H. Emmons
Year: 2013
Series: Nevada Publications
Format: 205 pages

This book covers the mines of the Tuscarora, Cortez, Seven Troughs and other Northern Nevada Districts such as Midas, Good Hope, Columbia, Edgemont, Mountain City, Bullion, Safford, Tenabo, Lander, Lewis, Rosebud, Red Butte, Unionville, Star, Pahute Range, and Sonoma Range. The Book includes Topography, Geology, Ore Deposits, Mining Development and Maps. Book is a Reprint of USGS Bulletin 408 entitled "A reconnaissance of some Mining Camps in Elko, Lander and Eureka Counties, Nevada" together with the 1909 USGS Bulletin 414 entitled " Notes on Some Mining Districts in Humboldt County, Nevada"