Title: Mining claim procedures for Nevada prospectors and miners (sixth edition, revised December 2019)
Author: Keith G. Papke and David A. Davis; sixth edition revisions by Christopher Ross, Ralston Pedersen, Rachel Micander, and Nathan Robison; illustrations by Larry Jacox and Jan Walker, with updates by Paula Robison and Rachel Micander Year: 2019
Series: Special Publication 6 Version: sixth edition, revised December 2019; supersedes previous editions: sixth edition (February 2019, revised May and July 2019); fifth edition (2002), fourth edition (1996), third edition (1987), second edition (1986), and first edition
(1982) Format: 73 pages
A guide for the prospector, providing information on locating lode and placer claims, locating a mill site, tunnel rights, patenting, amending and assessment work on mining claims; list of county recorders; and appendices of laws, notices certificates, and affidavits for the miner. The first edition of Special Publication 6 was published in 1982 and was based mainly on the 1971 Nevada State Mining Laws with a 1983 update sheet reflecting changes made by the 1983 Nevada State Legislature. The second edition, published in 1986, was based mainly on the 1985 Nevada State Mining Laws. The third edition reflected changes made by the 1987 Nevada State Legislature.
MORE INFORMATION: For more information on mining claims or to check for any updated forms, please visit the Mining Claim page on the Nevada Division of Minerals website.
Mining Claims
Click here for tutorial: Land Research Documentation Click on "Mineral Rights Information" and then on "Land Research Mineral Rights handout" for tutorial. NDOM Open Data
Suggested citation: Papke, K.G., Davis, D.A., Ross, C., Pedersen, R., Micander, R., and Robison, N., 2019, Mining claim procedures for Nevada prospectors and miners (sixth edition, revised December 2019): Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 6, 73 p.
© Copyright 2019 The University of Nevada, Reno. All Rights Reserved. Original Product Code: SP6
