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Montmorillonite, bentonite, and fuller's earth deposits in Nevada
Montmorillonite, bentonite, and fuller's earth deposits in Nevada
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Product Code: B076
Out of print

Title: Montmorillonite, bentonite, and fuller's earth deposits in Nevada
Author: Keith G. Papke
Year: 1970
Series: Bulletin 76
Format: 53 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches, 21 b/w drawings, 3 tables (including 1 oversized),1 appendix, 3 plates: plate 1, 1 inch = 200 feet, geologic map and section, Jupiter clay mine, Lyon County, 12 x 16 inches, 2 color; plate 2, 1 inch = 100 feet, geologic map and section, Walker Lake montmorillonite deposit, Mineral County, 14 x 15 inches, 2 color; plate 3, 1 inch = 200 feet, geologic map, Sodaville montmorillonite deposit, Mineral County, 13 x 17 inches, 2 color

The properties and uses of and tests for montmorillonites, and a description of 31 deposits in Nevada, by county; references and index. Supplements information found in Bulletin 65.

Original Product Code: B76