Title: Nevada's metal and mineral production (1859-1940, inclusive)
Author: Bertrand F. Couch and Jay A. Carpenter
Year: 1943
Series: Bulletin 38
Format: 159 pages, 6 x 9 inches, 18 tables (including 1 unnumbered and oversized foldout between pages 152 and 153) Scale:
Metal and mineral production by year listing quantity and gross yield by value for state, by county, and by district, and properties reporting a total of $5,000 or more; concludes with a section on mine taxation in Nevada. Originally published as University of Nevada Bulletin, v. 37, no. 4, Geology and Mining Series, no. 38, November 1, 1943. More recent information may be found in the NBMG Mineral Industry subseries. For additional information consult the appropriate county publications.
Related information:
Mining activity in Nevada, 1851-1995By Lorre A. Moyer (2004) U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1244
Original Product Code: B38
