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Oil and gas developments in Nevada, 1953-1967 [OUT OF PRINT]
Oil and gas developments in Nevada, 1953-1967 OUT OF PRINT

Product Code: R018
Out of print

Title:  Oil and gas developments in Nevada, 1953-1967
Author:  John H. Schilling and Larry J. Garside
Year:  1968
Series No.:  Report 18
Format:  47 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches, 3 b/w drawings, 4 tables

Oil exploration and developments from 1953 through 1967; data on dry holes; the Eagle Springs oil field, its history, geology, production, and data on wells that have produced oil; indexes on wells by permit number, and wells by American Petroleum Institute numbers.  Report was prepared in cooperation with the Nevada Oil and Gas Conservation Commission; information in the report was updated and expanded in Bulletin 104 and Report 29; locations of oil and gas wells are shown on Map 56; annual activity is described in the Mineral Industry subseries; updated, abbreviated listing of wells is available as List 4 and List 8; complete historic and current data are also available at Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology as computerized databases, information is available as printout, plotted maps, or custom searches (List 12, Open-File Report 92-5, and Open-File Report 96-6).

Original Product Code:  R18