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Oil and gas wells drilled in Nevada since 1907 (November 2003 update) [Superseded by Open-file Report 04-1]
Oil and gas wells drilled in Nevada since 1907 (November 2003 update) SUPERSEDED BY OPEN-FILE REPORT 04-1, SEE ALSO OPEN-FILE REPORT 01-7

Product Code: L008

Title:  Oil and gas wells drilled in Nevada since 1907 (Superseded by Open-file Report 04-1)
Author:  Ronald H. Hess, David A. Davis, and Karen Boldi
Year:  1989
Series No.:  List 8
Version:  superseded by Open-File Report 04-1; updates Bulletin 104
Format:  3 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches
List of oil and gas wells drilled since 1986; includes permit number, operator, well name, location, total depth, status, and completion date; listed by county. Updates NBMG B104. For additional information see NBMG Bulletin 104, Database 3 and 6, and Database Map 1.
Original Product Code:  L8