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Oil and gas developments in Nevada, 1968-1976 [OUT OF PRINT]
Oil and gas developments in Nevada, 1968-1976 OUT OF PRINT

Product Code: R029
Out of print

Title:  Oil and gas developments in Nevada, 1968-1976
Author:  Larry J. Garside, Becky S. Weimer, and Ira A. Lutsey
Year:  1977
Series No.:  Report 29
Format:  32 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches, 2 b/w drawings, 4 b/w photos, 4 tables

A description of exploratory oil and gas drilling in Nevada, 1968-1976, including data on well location and depth, formation tops, oil production including production statistics for the Eagle Springs and Trap Spring Fields, and well log and drill cuttings availability; appendices index wells by Nevada Oil and Gas Conservation Commission permit numbers and by American Petroleum Institute numbers. Report was prepared in cooperation with the Nevada Oil and Gas Conservation Commission; information in this report updates and expands that in Report 18; information is updated and expanded in Bulletin 104; locations of oil and gas wells are shown on Map 56; annual activity is described in the Mineral Industry subseries; updated listing of wells is in List 8; complete historic and current data are also available from Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology as compterized databases, information is availiable as printout, plotted maps, or custom searches (Databases 3 and 6 and database Map 1).

Original Product Code:  R29